Welcome to your one-stop CMB event registration page! Get your CMB Membership & Houston Momentum Summits registration here - in one convenient form!

Are You a CMB Member?

Have you registered for a CMB Membership? If not, you are missing out on exclusive benefits, as well as discounted or FREE registration for all 2025 CMB events! Become a Member and start saving today by clicking "Create new Membership". 

To learn more about what CMB Memberships have to offer, visit the CMB Website.

MEMBERS: To take advantage of the Houston Summits member discount, you must renew your membership for 2025.

Houston Momentum Summits Registration

Registration includes educational sessions, breakouts, performances, lunch, evening events, and more!

  • This option registers you for BOTH the Music and Digital Momentum Summits - Tuesday, Feb. 11 & Wednesday, Feb. 12.

  • This option registers you for the Music Momentum Summit ONLY - Tuesday, Feb. 11.

  • This option registers you for the Digital Momentum Summit ONLY - Wednesday, Feb. 12.

  • This option registers you for BOTH the Music and Digital Momentum Summits - Tuesday, Feb. 11 & Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Student Registration option is for TRADITIONAL (18-23 years old), FULL-TIME college students and must have a valid student ID.

  • This option registers you for the Music Momentum Summit ONLY - Tuesday, Feb. 11. The Student Registration option is for TRADITIONAL (18-23 years old), FULL-TIME college students and must have a valid student ID.

  • This option registers you for the Digital Momentum Summit ONLY - Wednesday, Feb. 12. The Student Registration option is for TRADITIONAL (18-23 years old), FULL-TIME college students and must have a valid student ID.

  • This option is to register a Momentum Summit attendee's spouse who is a NON-INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL

Participant Contact Information



Terms & Agreements


The United States antitrust laws were enacted to preserve competition and the free enterprise system. Those laws apply equally to non-profit and for-profit activities. It is the policy of CMB to strictly comply with the requirements of the antitrust laws.

CMB also expects its members to strictly adhere to the requirements of the antitrust laws. CMB members are personally responsible for understanding the requirements of those laws and assuring that they remain compliant. Because of the scope and intricacy of the antitrust laws, CMB members and staff must understand and be sensitive to those areas where potential antitrust issues might arise. Any CMB members who violate these guidelines, the antitrust laws, or have, in the opinion of the CMB board, acted in a manner that is detrimental to the interests of CMB shall be subject to disciplinary measures up to, and including, termination of membership.

The antitrust laws make it illegal to enter into certain agreements that limit competition. While this may happen in a number of different contexts, the two areas that are of tradition concern are: price fixing; and, market allocation. In order to find a violation of the antitrust laws one need not prove that a formal agreement exists. A “wink and a nod” are sufficient when coupled with activity consistent with an agreement. As a result, any discussion among “competitors” of prohibited topics, like pricing, can provide the basis upon which to assert (and subsequently find) a violation of the antitrust laws. Even if one can successfully defend against an asserted claim, the legal cost of doing so would be crippling.

For these reasons, it is important the CMB members refrain from discussing topics which could support a charge that the antitrust laws had been violated. In practical terms, that means that CMB members should avoid all discussion of the following topics:

1. Prices, rates, or rate structures for air time including underwriting rates
2. Quantity, placement or standardization of non-price terms respecting the sale of air-time or underwriting including information respecting credit terms
3. Allocating markets or formats among broadcasters, or discussions which generally suggest that broadcasters will not compete against one another
4. Refusal to deal with certain other organization

If a discussion occurs at a CMB meeting or event which violates these guidelines or can border on antitrust sensitivity, the discussion should be immediately stopped. If others continue the discussion you should leave the meeting. Any such instances should be reported immediately to the Executive Director or any CMB board member.

By registering for this CMB event you agree to receive emails from CMB and its partners. You will also receive text updates about the Momentum Summits.
Scheduling and holding meetings and events which conflict with the published agenda of any Momentum/Momentum Summit educational event is contrary to the policy of the Board of Directors of CMB, Inc. Specifically prohibited are breakfasts, luncheons, entertainment or any other social or business gathering which has the potential to draw registered attendees away from the seminar site and seminar sessions.

The CMB Board of Directors requests that all attendees respect these guidelines and, out of consideration for the CMB staff, Educational Committee and Leadership Team of CMB, not participate in any activities that conflict with this policy.
All refund requests received in writing by January 29, 2025 will be honored. A $50 cancellation fee will apply to each registration refunded. The total refund applied will be LESS credit card/service fees and a $50 cancellation fee. After January 29, NO REFUNDS AVAILABLE.
By attending the 2025 Momentum Summits, I understand that I am fully and personally responsible for my own safety and actions during the Momentum Summits, assuming all liabilities. I hereby release and waive my rights to bring suit against Christian Music Broadcasters and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure and infection related to attending the Momentum Summits.

Please read the CMB Statement of Faith and Principals of Belief


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